How do you get paid and what does it cost to work with you?

We are paid advisory fees calculated as a percentage of the value of the investment accounts under our supervision. These fees cover all costs, including asset allocation, securities research & selection, transactions, clearing & custody, and most importantly, financial planning and consulting. Our total investment costs are determined by the actual composition of your portfolio and the percentage declines as the values increase.

We may be paid a commission when selling insurance or securities outside of the fee-based accounts. We also offer specific products or services that result in the payment of a commission.

Are you fiduciaries, and what does that even mean?

Yes, we are fiduciaries when offering investment advisory services. A fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another person or persons, putting their client’s interests ahead of their own, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust. Being a fiduciary requires being bound both legally and ethically to act in the other’s best interests.

How much money do you have under your management or supervision for your clients?

As of June 30, 2023, our firm’s total Assets Under Management (AUM) were $346 million and our total Assets Under Administration (AUA) were $263 million, totaling $609 million. AUM reflects the market value of all investments our investment adviser representatives manage through MML Investors Services, LLC managed account programs. AUA reflects the market value of non-advisory investment programs and accounts offered through our registered representatives of MML Investors Services, LLC, in its capacity as a broker/dealer. This value will fluctuate based on changes in market conditions, inflows and outflows of client monies, and other factors, and does not reflect the impact of fees, expenses, or taxes that may apply to the purchase, redemption, or transfer of underlying investments, accounts, contracts or policies. MML Investors Services, LLC is a registered investment adviser and broker/dealer, Member SIPC.

How many clients do you have?

As of January 1, 2023, over 400 couples, individuals, and families rely on us for investment management and financial planning.

What do the CFP and ChFC designations mean, and is there any difference?

CFP stands for Certified Financial Planner, while ChFC stands for Chartered Financial Consultant. They have similar course materials and requirements, encompassing many aspects of investments, insurance and general financial planning.

What is a CCPS designation?

CCPS stands for Certified College Planning Specialist.

What is a CDFA designation?

CDFA stands for Certified Divorce Financial Analyist.

What is a CLU designation?

CLU stands for Chartered Life Underwriter, which is a professional designation with course material focused primarily on personal & business life insurance, and estate planning.

Why are there so many other companies involved in your service, such as MML Investors, MassMutual, National Financial Services, Fidelity etc?

Our financial advisors are registered representatives of MML Investors Services, LLC, which is the broker dealer and registered investment advisor. Our full service brokerage accounts are held at National Financial Services, LLC, a subsidiary of Fidelity Investments. We also employ numerous outside, third party investment advisory firms which provide portfolio management services to our clients using NFS or Fidelity brokerage accounts to custody securities. 

Do you have a minimum investment required to work with you?

While many firms have minimum account sizes, we understand that each client relationship is different. We look at the whole picture to determine a good match.

Do I have to sell any securities that I own in order to work with you?

No. We have the capability to hold appreciated securities within your portfolio to save taxes wherever appropriate. To avoid the risk of holding too much in any one stock, we can also help you diversify away from concentrated holdings over time in a tax smart manner.

Can I specify companies or investments to hold or not hold in my accounts with you?

Although our managed investment accounts are discretionary in nature, often we can incorporate securities you already own or exclude those you prefer not to own for reasons of risk concentration or environmental, social and corporate governance concerns.


Thank you for reaching out! We look forward to speaking with you and will be in touch asap. If you have an immediate need, please give us a call (408) 547-3390.