A Family Office Approach

Much More Than Financial Advice

The wealthiest among us have long utilized the “family office” — a team of professionals who provide a wide spectrum of services in areas such as finances, insurance, charitable giving, wealth transfer, and legal & tax services. This team is managed in one central place to seamlessly protect wealth, simplify life, and eliminate worry.

Your needs will evolve as your financial situation grows in complexity. Our powerful and diverse network of professionals lets us create a family office just for you, to meet your specific needs. Whether you need attorneys, mortgage and insurance brokers, strategic tax professionals or others, Harris Private Wealth hand picks and orchestrates your family office advisory team on your behalf. We ensure everyone is playing the same tune to achieve the same long-term goal: your family’s financial well-being.

Quite frankly, our approach is just different from other financial advisors. We care more, and we do more. We stay present to nurture every relationship we foster, ensuring you are continually getting the service and outcomes you need from the professional referrals we make.


Typical Financial Advisors’ Passive Referral Process

  1. Meet several professionals over course of career
  2. Refer as needed or give three potential names
  3. Ask client to contact, interview, and make hiring decision alone
  4. Wait for client to finish work with professional before taking any next steps


Our Active Family-Office Approach

  1. Actively vet professionals to add to a select roster for all clients*
  2. Determine a project need based on specific client priorities
  3. Select appropriate professionals from approved roster
  4. Interview for client to choose the right fit
  5. Personally introduce to client for hiring decision
  6. Engage with professional and client for specific work project
  7. Coordinate with other professionals as needed and keep project on track


*Third party service professionals are not affiliated with MML Investors Services, LLC. and are solely responsible for their own products and services provided.

Thank you for reaching out! We look forward to speaking with you and will be in touch asap. If you have an immediate need, please give us a call (408) 547-3390.